Translate content

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Main Page > User manual > Translate > Translate content

To translate a description or term, work through the record (archival description, authority record, archival institution or function) or term field by field and ensure that all fields that were entered in the original are translated.

  1. Translate a description (English to French shown). Note the source text highlighted in yellow.
    In the language menu, click the language into which you want to translate
  2. Navigate to the description or term you want to translate. In view mode any fields that have already been translated will appear in the language of translation; any fields not translated will appear in the source language. Empty fields (no data entered in the original) do not appear in view mode

  3. Click the title bar or edit button to switch to edit mode

  4. For descriptions, open one of the information areas to access data entry fields. For terms the data entry fields will already be accessible

  5. Enter the translation in the data entry field

    The original source text is highlighted and appears above the data entry field.

  6. Repeat for each field as required

  7. Click the Save button in the button block

  8. ICA-AtoM returns you to view mode. The translated fields will now appear in the language of translation. Any fields not yet translated will continue to appear in the source language.